Archive | Exodus/Shemot

Ki Tisa: Encountering God

V’atah, im na matzati chen b’einecha, hodi’eni na et d’rachecha, v’eida’acha [Moses said,] “And now, please, if I have found favor in your eyes, please let me know your ways, that I may know you…” (Exodus 33:13) Vayomer “Hareini na et k’vodecha!” And [Moses] said, “Please, let me behold Your Presence!” (Exodus 33:18) How does […]

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Yitro: Listening for the Aleph

Anochi YHVH Elohecha asher hotzeiticha me’eretz Mitzrayim mi’beit avadim. I am Life Unfolding who brought you out of constriction and enslavement. (Exodus 20:2) I have the incredible good fortune this month to be writing to you from New Zealand. I have never been here before and am thrilled to have this opportunity to teach and […]

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Shabbat Zachor: The Origins of Amalek

Zachor et asher asah lecha Amalek ba’derech b’tzeitchem miMitzrayim, asher korcha ba’derech va’yezanev b’cha kol ha’necheshalim acharecha, v’atah ayef v’yageia v’lo yarei Elohim. Remember what Amalek did to you on your journey, after you left Egypt: how, undeterred by reverence for God, they surprised you on the way when you were famished and weary, and […]

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Pekudei: A Happy Ending

Va’y’chal Moshe et ham’lach, va’y’chas he’anan et ohel mo’ed uch’vod YHVH malei et hamishkan… ki anan YHVH al hamishkan yomam v’esh tih’yeh laila bo l’einei chol beit Yisrael b’chol mas’eihem. When Moses had finished the work, the Cloud covered the Tent of Meeting, and the Presence of YHVH filled the Mishkan… Over the Mishkan YHVH’s […]

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Vayakhel: When Enough Is Enough

V’ham’lacha hai’ta day’am l’chol ham’lacha la’asot otah v’hoter And their efforts had been more than enough for all the tasks to be done. (Exodus 36:7) Moses has descended once again from the mountain, face aglow, carrying the tablets with the restored covenant in his arms. God has forgiven the Children of Israel for their transgressions […]

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Tetzaveh: Brothers’ Keepers

V’asita vigday kodesh l’Aharon achicha l’chavod u’l’tifaret. You shall make sacred garments for your brother Aaron, to give him honor and splendor. (Exodus 28:2) Curiously, this week’s Torah portion, Tetzaveh, never mentions Moses by name. This is the only Torah portion from Moses’ birth at the beginning of the Book of Exodus until the Children […]

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